If you lose your weight, it will be a scandal
In Hungary everyone accepts that Hungarians are one of the fatest nations in Europe. According to a survay we are on the 10th great place on a chart that was compiled in 2017. Our tradition is full of customs, which link to eating or drinking, so if we are glad or sad we will eat and drink because they will provide solutions for our joys or problems. So we always have a reason to eat night and day.
But, what it happens when someone starts to lose their
wheights? Scandal flares up and every acquaintance, relative and friend begins
telling opinions about your shape changing. One of them encourages you to eat
more because your face is too thin and your arms similar to sticks as well.
Others observe that you are very slim but your legs are
extremely pretty and shapely, add they suffer from envies because they know
their legs never will be as shapely as yours.
But your parents are the worst thing that you can imagine.
Their point of views make you feel that you are sick actually and run to the
doctor to check up your not real problems. And you try to say your aspect but
your sentences splinter off their mulish ideas about your problems.
So you persist on trying to explain that you have lost only
five kilos that is not too many and your body is getting changed because time
goes by and everything is getting altered in time. And you assert to them about
your wellbeing and you do not have any pains and suffer from mental or body
problems. It has happened only that you do not want to eat dairy products
because your digestive system does not tolerate them.
Seemingly, they are calm down and pretend to accept your
ideas and viewpoints, but as you accept their lunch-invitation you will be able
to go their traps. After eating soup you do not pick on your plate enough meals
they begin moaning that you do not eat proper portion.
And, by this time you meet your boundary of your tolerance
and you want to save your menthal health so you stand up from the table
silently and go home.
As I can see, our nation regards an obese person as an
example of health and a slim one can be sick only. They do not assume that one
of their fellows wants to live in a healthy way so they let every unhealthy and
candied food down. They start to eat lots of chickens and vegetables, fruits
and they change daily dairy products to plant-based ones.
In my opinion, we should talk more about healthy meals and
dietitians ought to declare emphasis that a person who is too fat will suffer
from many pains and diseases for example cardiovascular problems and
hypertonias. So they had better lose many weights and live with skinny bodies
than pass away prematurely by corpulence.
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