My husband likes for example historical things and technical equipment and basic commoditis, which can be utilised in a future construction. On the one hand his behivour is extremely practical because he can collect such things that during a big project his colleague can use up. On the other hand he begins moaning to not have enough place to store these materials.
His habit is very strange for me, because I do not like to
collect anything. I hate lots of clothes and shoes and I try to get rid of
everything that are useless and oldfashioned. Sometimes my behaviour brings me
to grief because I throw out important and irreplaceable objects so I have to
start from scatch a research or collect information about a special issue.
But, I do not mind it because my life much simplier than I
hive everything just in case that they will be good for something in the
future. And starting to recollect my memories and information again can be
effective cos I can refresh them and find other approach and vision.
Although, I have to say, I have a passion, namely I like
books so I do not imagine to borrow them rather I buy them and enjoy that they
are on my own. I like their papers smell and it reminds me forests. I need
facilities to take off one of them from my shelf and start to read when I want.
I believe that if someone reads more they will become more
openminded, flexible and they will want to know our world more and will not
jugde others without recognation.
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